UnMasking the Feminine

UnMasking Clare Roche - New World Visioning

Rachael Talbot Season 1 Episode 37

How do you make the world a better place? A question some of us ask, but not on a regular basis. For Clare this was a question she asked young and has always been a driver force for her.

But instead of following her "question", she started out as an academic and had a successful career. But it never made her totally happy or fulfilled, and there was always something in the background taking her attention. She could have been described as an angry activist in her younger days, but soon recognized that she was as angry at the racists as they were, and that wasn't going to work. So she started working on herself and looking at her anger and emotions, and along the way discover EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

And it was EFT that bridged the gap to who she really was.. The rest is her journey and it's a fascinating and inspiring one. Now she works as Visionary Wealth Liberator, working with those who either have great visions for the world we're moving into but need help with the financial side, or those who have made it financially and now want to make a bigger difference.

Enjoy her journey. I loved some of the insights she shared. Truly inspiring.

If you want to find out more about Clare or work with her you find her on her website

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